Tuesday, May 3, 2011

17 Miles, and Great Grill Marks.

That's how far I ran this past Saturday. After eating four butterscotch oatmeal cookies that I baked. FOR A GIRL. (I baked a lot, am giving some to coworkers.)

Yep. I ate those four cookies (about 250 cals each, I calculated), went to bed and got a great night's sleep, then woke up to perfectly sunny and cool weather. Birding singing on my day off. Had a whey mango smoothie, double espresso. Then packed up a Powerbar, 70 ounces of water in my hydropack, plus chapstick, and papertowel squares in a baggie for the call of nature. Then I ran! All around, for 170 minutes.

And I felt pretty good. No blisters. The bottoms of my feet went numb after a while, but if I scrunched up my toes as each foot left the ground, that made them feel better. Knees were okay, a little sore. Legs were tired by the end, but not completely exhausted. Ate a double chocolatey yummy bar, too. I think I could have gone on to 20 miles if I had been carrying more food, and if I refilled my water bag.

So. I have thus resolved to run 20 miles, if not 26 miles, very soon. Before it gets too hot for this to be realistic. I've plotted my courses, bought some spf chapstick, thinking about what water fountain I might use to refill on the way.


Meanwhile, I have been using my grill pan a whole bunch. Mainly I use my nonstick wok for poaching eggs, my grill pan for the obvious, and the big stock pot for making Hot Protein Stews for the week's eating.

Instead of the non-stick coating that peels off and gets into my food, I should just invest in a cast iron grill pan. I'm going to, after my next paycheck. They're not expensive at Amazon.

Here's what I grilled today.