Saturday, October 3, 2009

Squash Size Queen

I just spent a few minutes picking at the remains of a roasted butternut squash. Like some people pick at the carcass of a roasted bird. Why is the squash so tasty? I roasted that sucker until I could peel the skin off with my fingers, until it was collapsing on the tray and smelling all caramelized. THE BEST. I have it for the rest of the week now. I chose a big fat one at the Co-op.

In other news, I attempted to make flank steak. I was stymied by my inability to find any flanks at the store, so I settled for a sirloin. My general problem with eating steak is that it's too gristly, and the sirloin was no exception. But I have restored some of my B12 and iron stores, after a particularly dam-breaking menstruation. Fine. You know, if I can refuse refined sugar and white flour, I can probably refuse industrial beef as well. I'll go for pasture-finished beef next time. Or bison or something "wild" like that. Beefalo, those leaner hybrids, cropping grass on some hippie rancher's pasture. That's what I'm talkin' 'bout.

Oh. Crap. I nearly set my tea kettle on fire. Forgot about it on the stove for about thirty minutes, I was engaged watching a documentary about gay muslims. It's called A Jihad For Love. A nice continuation of the dubious but very compelling film about a fleeing Iranian lesbian, Unveiled. The star of Unveiled is of German and Iranian heritage, and is a pop star and actress in Germany. Jasmin Tabatabai. She was quite delightful as the scruffy cross-dressing protag; her acting did not suck in the least.

Other victuals today included a pan of well-roasted brussels sprouts and mushrooms. I may be developing a craving for broccolini and balsamic butter. Must purchase more Irish oats.

1 comment:

  1. In lieu of flank steak you can buy uncut steak tips, and hammer it out or bisect it so that you have two thinner strips.
