Sunday, March 22, 2009

Dinner and a Root Beer Float

Well, after five days of coughing my lungs up and sneezing my brains out, I LIVE. Yes, I've foiled this season's rhinovirus yet again. (I've also used to figure out the difference between the flu and a cold!) My sinuses are still somewhat raw, but otherwise I am nearly back to normal. Today I went grocery shopping and purchased food for the week, and for my dinner tonight.

Also, I must gleefully note that I checked my receipt as I left, and found $4.50 worth of error! Reclaiming my money was a small but sweet victory. Plus they're so nice at the Co-op, it was no problem whatsoever. I'm encouraged to always check my receipt as I'm leaving the store - hooray for viral habits.

So, my cooking went as follows:

- baked four potatoes in oven
- steamed collards and kale
- prepared Kashi multi-grain pilaf in the rice cooker
- sauteed chicken tenders - an impulse purchase while queuing up at register - in cayenne, poultry seasoning, and olive oil.

My dinner was shredded chicken on top of collards and some Kashi pilaf, with a base of black beans from last week. Quite satisfying and uber-high in protein, but a little too salty. Even for me. Culprits were the canned black beans with their included bacon flavoring, I think.

While at the store, I purchased some diet root beer - which I thought would go nicely with my 1/2 fat double-churned vanilla ice cream. And I was hoping to create a satisfying low-fat dessert for myself. So far, success! Diet root beer float is scrump.

Note: The float is a little too tasty. I am having a second serving. Defeats purpose of diet float? Hmm.

Note: Third float of the day. Clearly I should never buy ice cream in large quantities. Or root beer. However, my eructations are pleasantly herbal.

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